Miya-ichi (the market in the Imperial court) (宮市)

Miya-ichi was a market provided in the Imperial court in the ancient Japan that imitated the Chinese system.

In China, from the age of the former Han dynasty to the age of Tang Dynasty, the courts of the kings and lords had the markets called Palace markets. At first, they were just temporary markets provided in the courts, and were very much like entertaining-type. However, in the times of Emperor Dezong (Tang Dynasty), they had adverse effects as eunuchs forced to buy necessary items for the court from common people.

In Japan, imitating these markets, the Miya-ichi were provided in 839, in the early Heian Period ("Shoku Nihon Koki" [Later Chronicle of Japan Continued, from the article on October 25, 839]). In this case, exchanges (referred to as Miya-ichi) were conducted with government officials from the Kuraryo (Bureau of Palace Storehouses) and court ladies from Kokyu palace (which was an imperial harem that included the empress's residence) in three buildings built in front of the Kenrei-mon gate that displayed imported Chinese goods. Also in 765 in the Nara Period, a market on the beach provided by Emperor Shotoku, along with the route of the Imperial visit for Kii Province, and another market that the same Emperor Shotoku ordered merchants from Kawachi Province to open, at the time of the Imperial visit for Yugenomiya detached palace in 769, were known (the articles of October 19, 765 and October 21, 769, according to the "Shoku Nihongi" [Chronicle of Japan Continued]). Judging from the above, it is considered that adverse effects due to forced sales by the power were less, and the market was more entertaining for the Emperor as a temporary open market in Japan.

[Original Japanese]